To download:

A4 Black and White Poster

A4 Colour Poster

A4 Black and White (Low Ink) Poster

A3 RISO Colour Separations

Social Media Version

This is a quote from Diane Di Prima’s Revolutionairy Letters.

I got a badge with this quote on from Cherry Styles at SW Press during Covid.

In particular, its been important to me to consider self-harm as an act of resistance, to think about all the different things we do to resist, to ‘shove at the thing’.

Poster Alt-Text:

In the centre of the poster is a hand written large block text in black which reads ‘No One Way Works’. This quote is continued turning around the outside edges of the page, reading ‘It will take all of us shoving at the thing from all sides to bring it down - Diane di Prima.’ Around the central text is a border of 16 illustrations, which have a thin black outline, and are shaded in three shades of bright red. The illustrations are of: a razer blade; a bunch of Rosemary; a vial (like you would use for Oestrogen); a knotted rope; a pair of scissors; a crowbar; a wheatpaste brush; a balaclava; three round pills with smiley faces on; a spray paint can; a needle; a packet of prescription medications; bolt cutters;a lighter; a dildo; and a brick.


What is this?


Surveillance is Not Safety