
About me:

I make artworks across mediums, with a particular interest in DIY publications, print making, textiles and other materials. Much of my work explores my experiences of madness, neurodivergence and in mental health services, and connects to archives, memory, activism, and the genre of ‘lived experience’ as it is invited into research, policy, participatory arts and medical pedagogy.

My work is neuroqueer, in the ways it embraces special interests, monotropism, and non-normative body-minds. I approach my creative practice through a scavenger methodology, recruiting different methods, materials and working across disciplines. This methodology is underpinned by a belief in a socially engaged practice, DIY values, and disability justice. At present I am interested in: how access can be creatively embedded and explored in the visual arts, in particular through multi-media or transmedia works (eg. text response to collage; audio description as ekphrasis); alternative forms of monuments and memorials that commemorate psychiatric survivorship and explore abolition; and the genre of heist and prison break movies.

I also do design work for zines, posters and events.

Take It Back, 2021 - 2023, Participatory Arts Project including workbook and zine library (pictured on display at Southbank Centre September 2022)

A Place of Safety, 2024, Summerhall as part of Out of Sight Out of Mind

Recent works

Archive of Propaganda from a Mad People’s Uprising, Scottish Mental Health Arts Festival Commission, 2023. For the full set of posters, see this link.

Illustration and design work

Wraparound Cover for Pain Party Issue #5 Zine, 2024