I’ve long been interested in miner’s and union banners, and inspired by the Disabled People’s Movement - if you’re interested in Protest banners and disability activism, there’s this zine.
When I was discharged from hospital I was told I couldn’t come back to the ward as a visitor for 6 months. What of the friends and comrades who remained there? What of the friends, family or Mad comrades who might be admitted in that 6 month period? Rhizomes grow underneath the forest floor, invisible above ground but connecting trees, plants and fungi.
Alt-Text: An illustration of a banner, similar to union or miner’s banners. A scroll at the top reads: ‘Mad People’s Union’ and a scroll at the bottom reads ‘ Wards WIll not Divide Us’. A series of scrolled text in the centre read: From every prison, Every detention centre and every PICU. The illustration in the centre is of two buildings (the old Fulbourn Asylum, and the newer Springbank Ward), beneath them a rhizomatic set of roots connect shoots that grow up out of the ground through and beside the buildings.